Special Musical Material
1987 - Stephen Stucker
1989 - Robert Bendroff
1987 - Richard Burke ★
1988 - Murray Grand
1989 - Jamie deRoy
1989 - Horowitz & Spector
1987 - Buddy Barnes
1988 - Brian Lasser
1989 - Brian Lasser
1989 - Arthur Siegel ★
1988 - Annie Dinnerman ★
2008 - "Whacked" Judy Barnett and Ted Koosian
2007 - "What She's Got" Ray Jessel
1997 - "Where are the Waltzes" Bobby Peaco and John Richard Thompson
2002 - "Where's Shirley" John McMahon & Jay Jeffries ★
2001 - "Wicked Woman" Francesca Blumenthal ★
2006 - "Wipe That Egg Off Your Face" Henry Kreiger and Bill Russell
1992 - "Wish I Might" Erv Raible and Brian Lasser
2009 - "You May Have a Problem" Dan Page, John Domurand, Michele Page
2003 - "You'd Better Say Yes (To Christmas)" Rick Jensen
2010 - "Understudy Blues" Brian Cimmet and Amanda Yesnowitz
2012 - "Universal Truth" Bill Zeffiro ★
2014 - "Wall Lovin'" Sam Carner and Derek Gregor
2016 - "Way, Way Back" Rick Bassett and Christiana Cole
2011 - "We Are the Meek" Gary Novikoff
2010 - "Two Again" Richard Eisenberg
2005 - "The Short Term Memory Loss Blues" Ray Jessel ★
2014 - "The Thing About Dylan" Amanda Yesnowitz and Doug Katsaros
1998 - "The Tragic Nurse Porter's Lament" Barry Kleinbort
1999 - "There's Nothing I Wouldn't Do"- Marcy Heisler and Zina Goldrich
2009 - "This is My Birthday" Carol Hall ★
2012 - "The Diet is Cast" Lois Morton
1998 - "The Dinner Party" Steven Lutvak ★
2002 - "The Drinking Song" David Maioco and Michael Conley
2016 - "The Egg Nog Song" Sam Carner and Derek Gregor ★
1993 - "The Girl Who Put The Sin In Cincinnati" George Winters ★
2003 - "The Heartbreak Diet" Julie Gold ★
2016 - "The Mermaid and the Whale" Carolyn Montgomery-Forant and Jeff Cubeta ★
2009 - "The Mess" Ryan Scott Oliver
2000 - "The Morning After (Leave!)"- Marcy Heisler & Zina Goldrich ★
2009 - "The Olives of Regret" Nicholas Levin
2013 - "Subway Crush" Patrick Dwyer
1997 - "Summer Movies" Gerard Allessandrini
2001 - "Teddy Cares" John McMahon and Jay Jeffries
1997 - "The Alto's Lament" Marcy Heisler & Zina Goldrich ★
1994 - "The Army Song" Rick Crom
2016 - "The Big Apple Lingo" Krisanthi Pappas
2016 - "The Book Group" Harriet Goldberg
2015 - "The Brit Song" Amy Wolk and William TN Hall ★
2015 - "Savin' It" Sam Carner and Derek Gregor
2003 - "Sensitive Song" Lawrence O'Keefe and Nell Benjamin
2014 - "Shalom, Santa" Tom Toce and Douglas J. Cohen ★
2015 - "She Tells Me" Doug Katsaros and Amanda Yesnowitz
1999 - "Shine Shine Shine" Keith Thompson
2014 - "Side Effects" Lois Morton
2011 - "Sing, Dut Don't Tell" Sam Carner and Derek Gregor
1994 - "New York's Fulla Dames Can Sing" George Winter
2007 - "Not Another Cabaret" Jason Wynn ★
2012 - "One Shot Deal" Brian Cimmet and Amanda Yesnowitz
2008 - "One Stop Shopping" Words by Dann Page, Michele Page, Sue Matsuki and Gregory Toroian. Music by Sue Matsuki and Gregory Toroian ★
1992 - "Opening Number" Barry Kleinbort
2002 - "Over-Estimated" Curtis Morre and Amanda Green
1995 - "Piano Bar Hell" George Winters
2007 - "Marthe of Monmarte" Francesca Blumenthal
2013 - "My Kind Of Guy" Bill Zeffiro ★
1995 - "My Simple Christmas Wish" David Friedman ★
2010 - "Identity Theft" Ray Jessel ★
2004 - "In Heaven" Hector Coris and Paul Johnson
1995 - "It's Impossible to Sing and Play the Bass" Jay Leonhart
2015 - "Just A Word" Scott Evan Davis
2011 - "Just Adjust Your Dreams" Michael Hadge
1998 - "Leading Men Don't Dance" David Friedman and Mark Waldrop
2009 - "Leaky Ceiling" Sharon Kenny
2005 - "I Can Be an Icon Too" Fred Barton
1996 - "I Get Around" Barry Kleinbort ★
2004 - "I Got To Sing" Rick Jensen
2005 - "I Love You, Sweetheart" Mary Liz MacNamara
1992 - "I Planned You A Marvelous Funeral" George Winters
2006 - "I Think About Sex" Ray Jessel ★
1993 - "I'm 27" John Wallowitch
1993 - "I'm a Fan" Dick Gallagher
2008 - "I'm A Real New Yorker" Jay Jeffries and John McMahon
1997 - "I'm Having an Affair with a Musician" Gary Lyons
2003 - "Haiku" Mary Liz MacNamara
2005 - "Here Come The Callaways" Ann Hampton Callaway
2005 - “Not Good Enough” Peter Lurye and Peter Yawitz
2012 - "How Did this Thing Get In Me" Amy Englehart
1999 - "How's Your Little Act" DC Anderson and Billy Philadelphia
2015 - "Don't Turn 13" Drew Fornarola
2006 - "Dumped" Ritt Henn
1999 - "Every Time a Friend Succeeds" Amanda Green ★
1994 - "Everyone Wants to Be Sondheim" Alan Chapman ★
2007 - "Fat Christmas" Kevin Ray
2013 - "Bye Bye, Aloha, Yo" Jeff Lazarus and Tom Toce
2004 - "Candy" Andrew Lippa and Tom Greenwald
2011 - "Christmas in Michigan" Mary Louise McMamara ★
1994 - "Cocktail Party" Dick Gallagher
2007 - "Come Back for More" Nicholas Levin
2000 - "Denial" – Rick Crom
2013 - "Don't Ask Me To Blend" Peter Mills and Amanda Yesnowitz
2004 - "Bacon" Mary Liz McNamara ★
2003 - "Baltimore" Marcy Heisler and Zina Goldrich
2001 - "Bistro Baby" David Gurland/Sondheim
2004 - "Bumper Huntin'" Rob Carlson and David Buskim
2013 - "84 Year Old" Drew Fornarola
2012 - "A Cautionary Christmas Tale" Ritt Henn and Mary Liz McNamara
2008 - "A Moral Quandry" Patrick Dwyer
2008 - "A Piano Bar Confession" David Auxier
2000 - "A Quiet Little Christmas" Bob Ost
2014 - "All Good Things Must Come To an End" Richie Eisenberg
2011 - "All My Friends" Drew Fornarola
2010 - "An Artificial Tree" Nicholas Levin